Huadu Leather City
Shiling Leather City mainly distribute,wholesale leather goods,leather materials,leather accessories.Shiling Leather City has been identified as one of the national especially supported professional market by the Cina Leather Industry Association and was recommended as one of five leading professional markets.Shiling also won the “Chinese Leather Capital”title,Shiling Leather City’s main business transaction mode is wholesale,direct marketing,cash spot ect.Has a number of domestic banking institution,easy access to money.Shiling Leather City overall has five projects,the first two projects are the first part,which has become gold location.
The third city,the original intention was to introduce the concept of Digital Leather City,exhibition all kinds of highend handbags,bags,wallets,computer bags,and other leather products and leather gifts,but the current situation is that most of the shops sells luggage harware and accessories.The forth,fifth project are now wholesale leather raw materials area,and now some are hardware accessories shops.China Leather Festival of each year is held in the area of the third project,digital city,after the canton fair in the autum.